The cost of managing your company's social media accounts is dependent on a number of factors.  From the number of platforms to the number of posts and even the type of content can influence the costs.

Through our Social Media Calculator, we've simplified the entire process.
Receive an instant quote for our Social Media services by completing the simple 9-step process below: 
Step 1 of 9
Select only one sector by clicking on the '+' sign
Select one option by clicking on the '+' sign
Select one option by clicking on the '+' sign
Please select the type of creative and the approximate quantity of posts you'd require in this format using the drop down.
  • ian-schneider-TamMbr4okv4-unsplash
    Static post
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    A static post is unchanging online content, such as a standard social media post or webpage, that remains the same once published
  • wahid-khene-iKdQCIiSMlQ-unsplash
    Video or animations post
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    A video/animation post is a type of online content that incorporates moving images or animations, typically in the form of videos, GIFs, or other dynamic visuals
  • malte-helmhold-YMMsXD5Bcf0-unsplash
    Learn More +
    A reel is a brief video often found on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, known for its quick and engaging content.
  • etienne-girardet-EP6_VZhzXM8-unsplash
    Learn More +
    Stories are brief, time-limited posts found on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, where users can share images and videos that vanish after 24 hours.
Select one option by clicking on the '+' sign
  • Picture9
Select one option by clicking on the '+' sign
  • Picture6
Select options by clicking on the '+' sign

Thank you for completing the quotation process.

Please check your email for the cost breakdown and detailed information. Feel free to contact us for further discussion.


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